Brainspotting Therapy in San Jose, CA
Specializing in Brainspotting for Trauma and Anxiety in San Jose and California
Brainspotting Therapy in San Jose, CA
Anxiety therapy
Your body is full of tension, chest tight, stomach pains, and heart racing. You can't be as active as you used to be because it feels like your body is breaking down. If you try to rest or get some sleep, you are left with painful memories of the past, nightmares and panic.
Anxiety is Taking Over Your Work
At work, you can't keep your head in the game. It's hard to get stuff done you are so consumed with worry, perfectionism or fear of judgement from others. It paralyzes you.
Anxiety Makes Connection Really Hard
Your relationships have lost their joy. You and your partner have lost that spark and fun. Anxiety has drowned it out, making it hard to enjoy anything or anyone. It has made it super hard to trust people. Your anxiety leaves you misunderstood and all alone. You even think that if people really knew you, they probably would run away. Being close to anyone feels too scary.
You’ve Tried to Heal Anxiety On Your Own
You've been trying to cope with the anxiety. Sometimes a drink relaxes you but not for long enough. Food used to bring you comfort but that is temporary as well. You wish you could numb out and get some relief. You may have even tried talk therapy before - but you just talk yourself in circles and half the time you leave feeling worse than when you arrived.
You Are Ready to Live Without Anxiety Leading your Life
You are tired of battling with yourself. Part of you believes you are worth a better life and the other part of you is afraid to face the memories, the pain and the anxiety. You don't want to let people down anymore, but you know that you can't keep going like this either. You are ready to change. You are motivated to try something different. You are eager to find relief. You are ready to feel joy and at peace with yourself and you are ready to invest the time to do the work.
I’m Janie and I specialize in therapy for anxiety in San Jose, CA
Janie Sacks Brainspotting Counseling in San Jose Specializing in Anxiety and Trauma
Through a revolutionary therapy technique called Brainspotting, we'll get right to the source of the anxiety so your mind and body can feel better together. Through this brain-based therapy, we work to heal past memories, trauma, anxiety, and depression faster than talk therapy. After each session, your brain will effortlessly process even more than it did when we are together. Your 3-pound brain is a healing machine!
What to Expect in Brainspotting Therapy for Anxiety
We will spend the first therapy session talking about what you want more of and less of in your life, as well as experiences that have kept you in life patterns that you desire to change. We set up measurable goals for therapy so you can track your progress. We will both get crystal clear so we know where we are heading and can track when we get there. Depending on how you feel about it, we can often start Brainspotting in your second counseling session.
How Can I tell if Brainspotting for Anxiety is Working?
When Brainspotting works you'll be able to breathe without panic, feel more present in your life and really enjoy your relationships. You'll have skills you can use in your everyday life when new traumas or events come up so you are better able to cope with life's stressors when they arise, and you'll be able to trust your body again (or for the first time).
If you are ready to find some relief from your overwhelm and anxiety and be more present to your life, contact me here for a FREE 15-minute consultation at 408-535-0163.
I am a therapist in San Jose, CA whose been helping people with feelings of overwhelming anxiety and trauma for almost 15 years. I will use cutting edge techniques that I believe are just the right things to heal your brain and give you back the life you long for. We will tap into your brain that holds the answers (and really wants to heal) and will help you get unstuck from your past to live fully in the present.
Contact me for a free consultation for therapy in San Jose, CA
Finding the right therapist can feel scary and overwhelming, especially if you struggle with anxiety already. It might feel hard to trust the therapist (of course, you don’t even know me yet) and maybe even your own intuition about if we are a good fit. My number one goal on our first phone call is to determine if I can help you. Contact me at (408) 535-0163 for your free 15-minute phone consultation for counseling in San Jose, CA. My specialties include anxiety, trauma and PTSD.
In-person and remote options for counseling in San Jose
My counseling office is conveniently located in Willow Glen, CA. Can’t make it into the office? No worries – we can do online therapy in California.
My office location is 913 Willow Street, Suite 201, San Jose, CA 95125.